Goldface Electric Blue Ram ~1"


The Goldface Electric Blue Ram, also known as the Goldface Ram or Gold Ram, is a stunning freshwater fish that has become increasingly popular among aquarium enthusiasts. It is a variant of the Electric Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) and is known for its bright gold face and striking blue body. The Goldface Electric Blue Ram is a small fish, with males growing up to 2.5 inches (6 cm) in length and females slightly smaller. 

This species is relatively peaceful and can be kept in community tanks with other non-aggressive fish. However, it is important to provide them with plenty of hiding places and a peaceful environment. They are also known to form pairs and will defend their territory and fry. Overall, the Goldface Electric Blue Ram is a beautiful and relatively easy-to-care-for fish that adds color and personality to any aquarium.

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Care Level: Intermediate

Max Size: Typically grow to be around 2.5 inches (6 cm) in length.

Temperature: Water temperature between 77-82°F (25-28°C).

PH: Slightly acidic to neutral water pH between 6.0-7.0.

Diet: The Goldface Electric Blue Ram is an omnivore and will accept a variety of foods such as flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods.

*Note that our store selection of fish may vary from time to time. For up-to-date information on our current stock levels, we advise you to contact your local store directly.

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