Rabbit Snail


Rabbit snails are freshwater snails that are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique appearance and low maintenance care. Rabbit snails prefer a tank with plenty of hiding places such as rocks, plants, and driftwood. They also require a sandy substrate for burrowing and laying eggs. A moderate water flow is recommended to avoid stagnant water. Rabbit snails are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful aquarium fish and invertebrates. They do not attack other snail species and are not considered invasive. Overall, rabbit snails are easy to care for and can be a fun addition to an aquarium. They are low maintenance, but it is important to keep up with regular water changes to maintain good water quality.

Temperament: Peaceful

Care Level: Easy

Max Size: Typically grow to be around 2-3.5 inches (5-8 cm) in length.

Temperature: Water temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C).

PH: Slightly acidic to neutral water water with a pH between 6.5-7.5.

Diet: Rabbit snails are omnivores and feed on algae, detritus, and leftover fish food. You can supplement their diet with sinking pellets, algae wafers, and blanched vegetables such as zucchini or spinach.

*Note that our store selection of fish may vary from time to time. For up-to-date information on our current stock levels, we advise you to contact your local store directly.


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