Jaguar Cichlid ~1.5"

Special Price $13.59 Regular Price $16.99

The Jaguar Cichlid, also known as the Managuense Cichlid or Aztec Cichlid, is a large and striking freshwater fish that is native to Central America, specifically Nicaragua and Honduras. It gets its name from its unique spotted pattern that resembles the coat of a jaguar. The Jaguar Cichlid is a predatory fish that can grow up to 16-18 inches (40-45 cm) in length and requires a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space. It is known for its aggressive behavior and territorial tendencies, so it is important to provide ample hiding places and appropriate tank mates. Despite its aggressive nature, the Jaguar Cichlid is a popular fish among experienced aquarists due to its unique appearance and personality. However, it is important to keep in mind that it requires a large tank and careful consideration when choosing tank mates.

Temperament: Aggressive

Care Level: Intermediate

Max Size: Typically grow to be around 16-18 inches (40-45 cm) in length.

Temperature: Water temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C).

PH: Slightly acidic to neutral water pH between 6.5-7.5.

Diet: It is an omnivorous fish that will eat a variety of foods, including pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods, and even small fish.

*Note that our store selection of fish may vary from time to time. For up-to-date information on our current stock levels, we advise you to contact your local store directly.

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