Heating & Lighting
Arcadia LumenIZE ProT5 UVB Kit with D3 Forest 6% UVB Reptile Lamp 24W [24"]$145.99Unavailable online
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Arcadia ProT5 UVB Kit with 12% UVB D3 Reptile Lamp 39W [34"]$99.99Available online
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Arcadia ProT5 UVB Kit with 6% UVB D3 Reptile Lamp 24W [22"]$95.99Available online
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Arcadia ShadeDweller Arboreal ProT5 UVB Kit with 2.4% UVB Reptile Lamp 8W [12"]$78.99Available online
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Arcadia ShadeDweller Arboreal T5 2.4% UVB Reptile Lamp 8W [12"]$31.99Available online
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Arcadia ShadeDweller ProT5 UVB Kit with 7% UVB Reptile Lamp 8W [12"]$78.99Unavailable online
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Arcadia ShadeDweller-Max ProT5 UVB Kit with 2.5% UVB Reptile Lamp 14W [22"]$103.99Available online
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Arcadia ShadeDweller-Max T5 2.5% UVB Reptile Lamp 14W [22"]$45.99Available online
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Exo Terra Combometer Digital Thermo-Hygrometer with Remote Sensor$49.99Available online
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Exo Terra Compact Fluorescent Terrarium Canopy, 11.8'x 3.5x5.9'' - Mini$62.99Available online
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Exo Terra Compact Fluorescent Terrarium Canopy, 17.7x3.5x7.8'' -Small$72.99Available online
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Exo Terra Compact Fluorescent Terrarium Canopy, 23.6x3.5x7.8" -Medium$84.99Available online
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Exo Terra Glow Light Porcelain Clamp Lamp + Glow Reflector, 7" Diameter -Small$49.99Available online
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Exo Terra Glow Light Porcelain Clamp Lamp + Glow Reflector, 9" Diameter -Medium$54.99Available online
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Exo Terra Heat Mat Terrarium Substrate Heater ['4 Watts - XS]Special Price $29.24 Regular Price $38.99Available online
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Exo Terra Heat Mat Terrarium Substrate Heater ['8 Watts - S]Special Price $33.74 Regular Price $44.99Available online
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Exo Terra Heat Mat Terrarium Substrate Heater [16 Watts - M]Special Price $38.99 Regular Price $51.99Available online
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Exo Terra Heat Wave Rock Electronic Heat Stone [Medium - 10 Watts]$54.99Available online
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