Two Spot Pike ~2"


The Two Spot Pike, also known as the Hoplias Lacerdae, is a freshwater fish native to South America. It is a predatory fish that can grow up to 20 inches (50 cm) in length and requires a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places and swimming areas. The Two Spot Pike is a relatively aggressive fish and should be kept with similar-sized or larger tank mates to avoid aggression and territorial behavior. Additionally, it is important to avoid keeping this fish with smaller, more peaceful species that it may view as prey. Overall, the Two Spot Pike is a unique and interesting fish for experienced aquarium keepers who are prepared to meet its specific care requirements.

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Care Level: Intermediate

Max Size: Typically grow to be around 20 inches (50 cm) in length.

Temperature: Water temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C).

PH: Slightly acidic to neutral water pH between 6.5-7.5.

Diet: It is an omnivorous fish that will eat both live and prepared foods, and a varied diet is recommended for optimal health.

*Note that our store selection of fish may vary from time to time. For up-to-date information on our current stock levels, we advise you to contact your local store directly.

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