Farnam Vetrolin Body Wash, 946ml


Want the results of using Vetrolin Bath, but don't have the time? Just hook Vetrolin Body Wash up to a hose and voilã ! No bucket, sponge or scrubbing necessary to clean your horse, thanks to this handy one-step applicator.
· Easy-to-use spray applicator saves time by eliminating buckets, sponges and scrubbing
· Rich lather gently lifts away dirt and dandruff in minutes!
· Protein-enriched conditioners repair split ends, giving your horse a lustrous shine
· Contains PABA sunscreen to protect the coat from environmental pollutants
One bottle washes up to 10 horses
· Great for dogs, too!
Directions for Use
· Vetrolin Body Wash is easy and economical to use. Connect sprayer to garden hose. Break off locking tab to allow dial to turn. Rotate dial to "wash" to begin shampooing horse. Lather entire body and let stand for 3-5 minutes. Rotate dial to "rinse." Continue to rinse horse until water runs clear. Rotate dial to "off" when finished.
Face: Avoid spraying directly at face or eyes. To clean facial area, apply Vetrolin Body Wash to a damp cloth or sponge and gently wipe clean. Disconnect sprayer from hose to rinse.

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Made in Canada