Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasbora


The Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasbora, also known as the Blue Neon Rasbora, is a small and peaceful freshwater fish native to the Amazon River Basin in South America. It is a popular aquarium fish due to its stunning appearance and ease of care. The Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasbora has a slender body that is silver in color with a blue iridescent sheen. Its fins are transparent with a hint of blue coloration. The male of the species is slightly smaller and more slender than the female.

In the wild, Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasboras are found in slow-moving streams and rivers that are heavily shaded by overhanging vegetation. They are known to be social and prefer to live in groups of at least six individuals. In captivity, they thrive in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places and open swimming areas. The Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasbora is a peaceful and non-aggressive fish that can be housed with other peaceful species such as other Rasboras, Tetras, and Guppies. Overall, the Blue Neon Axelrodi Rasbora is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for fish that is a great addition to any community aquarium.

Temperament: Peaceful

Care Level: Easy

Max Size: Typically grow to be around 1.5 inches (3-4 cm) in length.

Temperature: Water temperature between 72-80°F (22-27°C).

PH: Slightly acidic water pH between 6.0-7.0.

Diet: They are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.

*Note that our store selection of fish may vary from time to time. For up-to-date information on our current stock levels, we advise you to contact your local store directly.

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